Hi, I’m Sabse, a media designer, artist and writer from Emden, Germany. I’m an nightsky addict and love stargazing.
The stars and the universe always fascinated me. This also translates a lot into my creations.
I always liked creative things. From sketching my teddy bears up to manga characters, digital collages and charcoal portraits. But I often got discouraged and started to compare myself to others that were a lot better. Later I didn’t even dare to paint at all even though I fancied all those beautiful sketchy journals on pinterest for years. It took me many years to learn that my art doesn’t have to be „perfect“ to begin with. And to give myself the space to grow and evolve.

So creating got a huge part of my life. I love to explore life and its mysteries. Following those little intuitive nudges and inspirations. It led me to create beautiful poems, stories and paintings. Like designing my own t-shirt. And it helped me to create a life I love to live.
I want to inspire others to do the same. To go for their dreams, no matter how odd or difficult they may seem. We are not here to live a life that feels like we’re caught in a hamster wheel. We are here to strife for a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.
I went to the woods because
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn
what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived.
Ever since I first saw Dead poet society this quote from Thoreau accompanied me. For a long time I didn’t really get why. Most of the time I was rushing through my life like everyone else. Rushing to work an back home, making dinner, dealing with household stuff, the garden, sometimes going out. But never really feeling like I’m getting anywhere.
It was because I forgot something very important. Something our fast-paced society forgot: to really live this moment. This is also what inspires me a lot. To find that balance between living and achieving but also enjoying life and what it has to offer. And with that I mean the simple things like the sunshine on the skin, listening to the birds singing, a delicous meal,…
How I got (back) into painting

In 2020 I started out with some basic watercolors which soon grew into a large collection with a lot of beautiful handmade watercolors. I loved painting very detailed pieces such as my „Universe within“ or my zodiac collection.
Through some challenges and people I met I started experimenting with other media like acrylics, oil pastels or inks. And when I’m honest, I love to combine different media or do collage works and also enjoy painting more abstract. So I would consider myself more a mixed media artist than a watercolor artist.
This year I also began painting on canvas and renovated my attic room so I would have an art studio with more space than my desk.
Why „Astrofrüchtchen“?
Back in the days (like 2006) almost every befriended hobby-astronomer had their own website with some funky name. One day I got a t-shirt which stated „Freches Früchtchen“. In German it describes a very cheeky, mostly younger person that doesn’t like to follow rules. Which fit perfectly for me because I hated following orders and always had my own mind *g*
But the „Früchtchen“ can also mean fruits and since I was studying trophology at that time, it fit double. I combined it with astronomy and so „Astrofrüchtchen“ was born. This is also why my logo shows a pineapple 🤭
Since my name contained an „ü“ I often had to change it to „ue“. When I joined Instagram I just had a little problem. I couldn’t use the full name. So I had to shorten it to „astrofruechtle“ which is why you might find me under different versions on different platforms.
Fun facts about me:

- Before I started painting (again) in 2020 I let my creativity run wild by planting a garden. And I`m still a wandering garden encyclopedia.
- I always loved two-wheelers but aside from my bicycle I never rode anything else. In 2018 I finally followed my dream and got my drivers license. I love to ride my bike(s) with high speed and even got nicknamed ‚H2R‘ (fastest motorcycle of the world) 🤷♀️😆
- Sometimes my imagination runs wild and ordinary scenes turn into funny creations 🍄
- A sin of my youth was watching Sailor Moon and I still love it.
If you like to know more about me, I’d love to connect with you.
Or connect with me on other platforms: