A cosmic collision – Part 1

Back when I created my first collection I also played on canvas. But since the acrylic inks didn’t work so well on it, the canvas ended up in a corner. Later I tried out some things and slowly two colliding galaxies emerged on the canvas. I’m going to post some videos of it over the next few days, so stay tuned for the finished piece.

Outdoor painting session

Last week I carried out my art supplies and played a bit with them outside while talking with friends. Some also got infected and started to paint a bit which was fun. I hadn’t been painting with oil colors since my first one back in April. So I pulled them out and started working on […]

Gemini - the twins

Gemini – the zodiac collection

These cunning twins just sneaked in here 😄 After the earthy energy of Taurus they take you high up in the air. Their curious nature makes them very open und friendly. Witty and cunning, they love to explore life and to express themselves. Sometimes they may seem a bit scattered and bored easily which tends […]