Photo of a habit tracker with an abstract painting of flowers

Free May Moon tracker


Originally I wanted to do some watercolor florals as decoration for the tracker but somehow inspiration just didn’t hit me. Instead I felt more drawn to create some abstracts and I recently fell a bit in love with the color combination of spring green, sunset orange and mint green that a friend recently gave me as a task. Today I sat down and played a bit aroung with my acrylic colors and I really like the pop of color they give.

A photo showing an abstract painting with acrylics and the matching colors

Explorations into abstract art

Lately, I’ve been drawn to abstract painting more and more. It’s a unique form of art that allows me to express my creativity without being bound by traditional techniques or rules. On the other hand it’s also a challenge if you get stuck in your head. What helps me to prevent going in my head is to just play and experiment without an intention of making „good“ looking art.

Live painting session with a friend

My friend Sabrina ( and me had a little live painting session where we painted together with acrylic paint and talked about the medium. She painted a wood nymph with acrylic paint while I painted a galactic nebula with acrylic inks. The livestream was in German so sorry for any non-german speaking people. But feel […]

Closeup photo of a painted canvas corner and a hand

A cosmic symphony

This one has been laying around for way too long. I had the idea somewhere in summer but only in September I started playing on a canvas that had two lyric pages glued on. And somehow suddenly everything clicked when I let go and just played a bit around. Now I finally managed to cut some of the videos and here is the part where I created the background.

Merry Christmas

A rather late merry christmas from me to you. I’ve been pretty busy with writing my advent calendar and preparing everything for Christmas so I had little time to write here. The next few weeks probably won’t be an exeption since I have more exciting things on my list. But I will try my best to post more content here, soon.